English, asked by heenasharmahs1986, 6 months ago

write a letter to your friend or any to acquaintance congratulating her on the splendid achievement she has got in the easy writting competition in v.v.eassy letter​


Answered by gamingjai436

Answer:In Professor Michaelis’s prefatory letter to Der Pa7^thenon

addressed to Alexander Conze, the author of this completest

of all the works on Pheidias says: “Of course the investiga-

tion of the sculptures of the Parthenon is not completed in any

point by the present work. On the contrary, the new and

finjier foundation which I certainly believe myself to have laid

will, it is to be hoped, incite others to complete the structure in

its various parts.’’ Professor Michaelis’s work has, no doubt, left

its stamp upon all subsequent effoi'ts in this direction: be it

in general treatises, such as Professor Petersen’s Die Kunst

des Pheidias^ and the treatment of this period in the works on

the general history of Greek art which have since appeared ; or

be it in the numerous memoirs on special points of Pheidiac

art that are constantly adding information to the large previous

collections of facts concerning this most important figure in

the history of Greek art.

There^are two obvious courses open to the writer on such a

subject as the art of Pheidias. He may either give a continuous

account of what is known of the life and works of the ancient

artist in the form of a monograph or text-book, or he may

increase the store of general information in a less direct

manner by the separate publication of any new facts or views

which he may acquire as he proceeds in his own studies.

There is, however, a third method which I believe to have

much in its favour. It consists in leading naturally to the

ultimate result of a general and complete knowledge of the

subject as a whole, but the fixing of this knowledge in the

mind of the reader is effected by means of a continuous series



of separate investigations arranged in a methodical manner so

as to enter into every special question and still to cover the

whole ground of enquiry. This method has been followed in

the present work and marks as well its aims as its origin and


The idea of the book actually originated with the discovery

of the Louvre Plaque in January i88i; though the interpretaitlon

of the figures from the eastern pediment of the Parthenon as

Thalassa and Gaia dates back to my student-days in 1873-4.

This was followed by several other studies concerning the art

of Pheidias which have modified the contents, and sometimes

delayed the publication, of these Essays.

These discoveries no doubt vary in importance, and must

be taken for what they are worth. But I believe that in every

case r may claim for them the recognition due to first-hind

research and to honesty of work and purpose. ®

Each of these separate discoveries, however, serves to

specify one group of the works of Pheidias or one side of his

artistic character, and all illustrate the chief methods of archaeo-

logical enquiry. Thus, after the first two essays, the resrserve

to complete the whole range of the subject. The sculptures of

the Parthenon are dealt with in five essays as they naturally

follow one another in time and in the growth of the artist’s

own development: the third deals with the Metopes, the fourth

with the Western Pediment, the fifth with the Eastern Pediment,

the sixth with the Frieze, and the seventh with the subject of

the Frieze. The eighth deals with the gold and ivory statues,

while the ninth and last considers the influence of the work of

Pheidias upon the Attic sculpture of the period immediately

succeeding the age of Pericles.

These seven essays are preceded by two of a more

general character, the one on the methods of the study of

archaeology, the other on the spirit of the art of Pheidias.

These are meant to prepare the reader for the ready ap-

preciation of the investigations following them. Since the

first essay was written the conditions concerning the study of


Answered by pawanghanghas81

charvee ghanghas to my friend Aradhya

my friend I know that in look down we are far away.....

now we meet in online classes but we can't talk in online classes mam will not allowed,......

to my friend Aradhya

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