English, asked by anupeethambaran4644, 9 months ago

Write a letter to your friend talking him some moral quallitis


Answered by benishabindu


dear friend

Yes, you, because not only are you friends with me but also I am writing this to tell you about some of the things I have learned at school. So that you don’t make me the same mistakes as I did.

As you know, I’m sure, my high school ride was a bit bumpy because we were constantly on the move and so I never really got to make a long-time friend. But that’s OK, I’ve come to accept it. Besides, I’ve met you through that rollercoaster ride. Here are a couple of things:

Do NOT ever ever talk behind other people’s backs, because your words will always come back to bite you.

This is cliche but it’s always true - anyone who talks badly about someone as a habit to you is likely to be doing the same thing to you. Do not trust these people. They’re not friends no matter how many times they tell you they are.

When you say you’re going to keep a secret, keep it until the grave…unless it hurts others.

If you find out your friend is cheating on her boyfriend/girlfriend, that’s not a secret to be protected, it’s dishonesty that will hurt others. Don’t be afraid to encourage your friend to be more honest. If she doesn’t, tell. Trust me, you’d rather gain a friend from the victim than a friend like her. As I’ve said before, someone who’s dishonest to someone else is very likely to be dishonest to you, too.

Treat others the way you want to be treated always, no matter how small!

If you notice that something’s off with your friend or they’re withdrawing to themselves, please check up on them. They’ll appreciate it, just as you wished your friends would when you were struggling in your own pit. Just because you’re human, and you never know when it will come back to you.

That being said, don’t expect others to do the same for you.

Expectations will only hurt you. If they’re not mature enough or considerate enough to do the same as you do for them…either leave them or accept them as they are. Congratulations, it’s a perk of being the Mum in the group.


A) You don’t know what’s really going on behind the closed doors,

B) There will come many times where you realise you make worse decisions than the kid you laughed at for their choice of pants or lover or job. You’re no better than anyone else.

Lastly, always grab all the opportunities you can grab.

No club is ever lame, being the class rep isn’t lame, being a nerd isn’t lame, no volunteering is ever a waste of time. Trust me, you will thank your past self for it when you’re submitting that shiny resume.

Actually lastly, do NOT ever do something because you feel like you have to.

You don’t have to drink because your friends are (that being said, tone down drinking, it’s very bad for your liver and brain. The damage is the greatest at young age. The more you know). You don’t have to be cool because your friends like it. True friends will accept you as you are. Don’t try to impress. You’re already cool.

That’s all I can think of for now, my friend.

Life will throw its lemons and peaches and all other fruits at you. Keep yourself level-headed and don’t be afraid of failures or what others think of you. At the end of the day, it is YOUR adventure.

Good luck and have fun.

your friend

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