Write a letter to your friend telling about the importance of nature around us
Nature which is the most beautiful gift of God given to humankind. It gives us almost all the sources which help humankind to live.
The humans have needed to survive, and thrive, which is provided by the natural world around us: food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients.
Earth Day seems as good a day as any to remind ourselves what nature gives us free-of-charge. Here then is a selective sampling of nature’s importance to our lives: freshwater, pollination, seed dispersal, pest control, medicines, fisheries, soil health, vast biodiversity & abundant wildlife, climatic regulations, mountains etc.
Freshwater is the utmost requirement of humankind, without water we cannot survive more than a few days.
In agriculture, pollination is very much required. As the insects, birds and some mammals are also part of our nature, they pollinate the world’s plant. Around 80% of the world’s plants pollinate in this way only. Again, nature does this for us.
Many plants require other species to move their seeds from parents plant to a new plant which is done by birds, rodents, elephants and bats.
After research, it was found that agricultural pests have natural enemies which include birds, spider, parasitic wasps and flies etc, control the pests. Again nature does this for saving our crops.
Again good health of the soil is the home for plants. Nature has given us medicines of almost all diseases like HIV – fighting drugs, neem leaves, penicillin etc. Research says that less than 1% of the world’s known species have been fully examined for their medicinal value. Fisheries also provide livelihoods, both directly and indirectly, for around half a billion as it is the source of protein. The natural world helps regulate the Earth’s climate. Ecosystems such as rainforests, peatlands, and mangroves store significant amounts of carbon, while the ocean captures massive amounts of carbon through phytoplankton. Biodiversity produces food, fibres, wood products; it cleans water, controls agricultural pests, pollinates and dispersers the world plants; and provides recreation, such as birdwatching, gardening, diving, and ecotourism.
As we all are very thankful to nature for providing us with all the things to make our life more easier & convenient but do we pay our thanks to nature? Sorry to say but we have started considering nature also a part of our life after the alarming situation. We have realised its importance when we are just about to lose it. This letter to nature is not only to thanks it but to apologise for being too late in such realisation. Do we follow the “save water, save a life?” No, actually not, only those areas where the water has been lost know the phase of its scarcity. We are exploiting our water resources by putting wastes into it. We are cutting forests for our necessities, exploitation of forests. It is said that the more the trees would be cut, the more will be planted but where, do we have land for it? No, even after planting them & the time they take to grow will lead us to the phase of the scarcity of oxygen. Although soil is renewable, it is also sensitive to overuse and degradation often due to industrial agriculture, pollution, and fertilizers. some of the world’s most important and promising drugs are being endangered because of deforestation. Recently fire in Amazon forest led in death of 2 million animals again the loss of biodiversity. The disastrous climatic conditions are because of greenhouse gases and ozone layer depletion.
These all things which we are facing is the reflection of what we give to the nature for the gifts which it is giving from a very long time but it is sorrowful to say that these gifts wouldn’t be continued more.
It can conclusively be said that there is utmost need to focus towards nature. It is a humble request to save it for our future generations. Taking care of the world is the duty of every human being. Our planet is our home and we should take care of it as if it were our child. You have worked very hard and learnt a lot about how our attitudes and habits can negatively impact our environment. You also learnt how we can change our attitudes to stop or diminish the world’s degradation and destruction. Now it’s your job to spread the word and let everyone know how important and vital it is to take care of Mother Nature. The planet Earth thanks you very much!