write a letter to your friend telling him the importance of balnced diet
Hi ____________(your friend`s name),
How are you doing? I haven`t seen you for two weeks already. I`ve heard from your mother that you were hospitalized two weeks ago. I hope by the time you will receive this letter, you are now in good condition. I think this is a sign that you really have to stop eating junk food. Almost everyday, you like eating them. Junk food have no nutritional value. It will not help you become healthy. Instead it causes some diseases. Eating junk foods has no advantages so you better stop eating it. It may be difficult to totally stop it but try to refrain from it little by little. I also eat junk food but very rare. Don`t make it too often. The best thing you have to do right now is start living a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits. Exercise daily. Sleep well. I hope to see you really soon. Take care always.
Love lots,
your name.