Hindi, asked by niamwatmanan, 1 year ago

write a letter to your friend telling the EXPERIENCE of LOCKDOWN in delhi​


Answered by manojrai6165



My dear


My dear friend i received your letter two days before.You wants to know about my experiences in lock down. I am also wants to know about your health and safety . I am fine here . hope you also fine there. Stay home save lives.

Hope you know about a biggest disease whose name is Corona virus or Covid 19 . its comes from chine. its spread not only in india. its spread al over World. You wants to know about your experiences in lock down so I explained it here that I take care of me and my family members . I don't touched my face when not in

necessary . I wash my hands every half hour. I am in my home .hope you also follow all the rules of lock down.

Your best friend


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Hope this answer helps you in your studies!!!

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