English, asked by intelligentgod, 7 months ago

Write a letter to your friend who is going through a depression.


Answered by sk2812329


I know that everything around you right now is making you confused, I know that you’re too numb to get up from the bed every morning, and I know that everything that used to make you happy just doesn’t do the job anymore.

Sometimes it gets hard for me not to take it personally, I’m trying to tell myself that someday you will know your worth through my eyes, you will know the difference you make in my life, and you will let me in to help you. I understand you do not have the ability right now to hear any shoulds and should nots. I understand that quite well, but my love for you is preventing me from letting you sink into your dark thoughts.

I hope you have the patience to hear out what I have to say, I’m not asking for anything in return, I’m not even asking you to understand this right now, because I know that later on you will figure it all out and this letter will only be a reminder of how amazing you are even if you’re not returning back my calls.I feel you, and I know you’re being blindfolded by those dark thoughts, but I still need you to count your blessings. Any kind of blessings. I mean, my love for you, your room, your heart, the roof you’re under, your ability to read this letter, even the blanket your hiding under. I know I said I am asking for a lot of things, but the one and only reason for me asking you all of this, is that I need you, I need you to be back.

Take your time, read this letter whenever you want, read it for as many times as you want. Just know that it’s okay, it’s okay love. I’ll be here, forever, to make the plan with you for the comeback!

Your all-time favorite friend.

mark me as the brainliest


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