English, asked by kridaysinghkhari4, 1 month ago

Write a letter to your friend ,Zen, telling him that you have shifted to a new house, and describe your new neighbourhood. You are Glen/Grizzy.


Answered by pillaisurekha42




Dear Zzzzz.en,

I ha.ve shif.ted in Sout.h Kor.ea as I sa.id earli.er I'll come here.

Here, it's okay... The foo.ds are sp.icy, there are pret.ty good collection of Clot.hes. And like India, here gossip.s happen. Some g.irl r.an with her boyfr.iend and her d.og and the ne.ws is sprea.ding really fast. The au.nties are the Gossi.pers and they jud.ge loo.ks. Ug.h.

There's a mid.dle age.d wom.an living in my neighborhood. I don't know if she does bla.ck mag.ic because I have heard that she cha.nts something in Korean Language, break things in her house and she laughs out Loud. It's creepy... Geez. Whatever. Its ur fault. You didn't gave me ur Tiffin Maggie when we were in 5th std so I will also not give u anything. Die.


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