Write a letter to your manager regarding personal leave
Warn Your Employer Early On: If a member of your family has a life-threatening illness, for example, let your employer know early on as they will expect you to take time off to bereave if that relation sadly passes away. Likewise, if you know you’ll need to be scheduled for some kind of operation, do let your manager know as soon as you do.
Don’t Send the Application without a Word of Warning: In order to get approval for that vacation of a lifetime or that medical leave that you badly need, you’ll have to speak with your manager before sending a formal application. This is best done face-to-face and in private, away from your other colleagues. Send your boss an email or IM and ask for a quick chat when it’s convenient for them.
Be Specific: Be as transparent as possible by being honest and open about your time off (depending on your relationship with your manager). If it’s to further your education, for example, make sure you explain how it will benefit the company in the long run. If your reason is for an illness or to look after a sick family member, you do not have to go into much detail if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
Discuss How Your Work Will Be Handled in Your Absence: Let your supervisor know how you plan to distribute your work while you’re away; you can take a plan of action with you, where you have delegated tasks to other team members that can continue those duties while you are out of action. This will show that you have been proactive and care about your responsibilities.
Consider Any Alternatives: If you will still be able to work remotely during this period of time, let your employers know. This will benefit both you and them, as you will still be earning an income and the work will still get done, meaning the company won’t have to hire a temporary replacement.
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