write a letter to your school teacher about dirty play ground
From : School Cabinet Members
To: School Committee
Date : 25th March 2021
Subject : Misuse of School Playground
The IISJ School Cabinet members met on 2 January 2013 to discuss misuse of the school playground by students. The meeting was well-attended.Atleast two student-captains from each class and one teacher from each block were present.
Many problems regarding the school playground were brought up.Mrs —–, Vice Principal, reported that the school playground ground was full of litter dumped by students.She also mentioned that this was totally unhygienic and unsafe as the playground will be overcrowded by students during the recess hours.The children playing there would get infected by germs due to the bad condition of the playground.
Mrs Maria Ramaswamy, Headmistress of VI-VIII block,reported that there was heavy rush near the canteen as the students never formed a queue.They scattered food waste in the playground and surrounding areas getting littered by canteen waste and foul smell. Insects and flies were all around making it very dirty and unhealthy to students who play in the playground.
Several students also complained that the school ground was too dirty to play games as much of the space were covered by litter and their cricket ball often smeared in litter.
It was decided after the discussion by the Committee members present that the following measures should be taken to resolve the problem.