English, asked by Hunter4573, 3 months ago

Write a letter to your sister who has been recently married describing how much you all miss her


Answered by itzvarshini


Dear friend ,

                               I hope you are well by the gr ace of the Almig hty. I am well too. Please convey my regards to your parents. It’s been long since I rec eived your l ast le tter. So I have thought of writing this lett er.

               Today I want to inform you about a very ins piring book I have read recently. I am sure you will like it too. The book is “I am Malala” written by MalalaYousafzai. As you know, she is a daring young girl from the Swat Va lley in Pakistan who had the courage to defy the Talibans and got shot by them. They sh ot her for propa gating education for gi rls. But she mira culously survived. She wrote about her eth nicity, the cu stoms of her community, the increased worsening of condition in Pakistan, her efforts to change it, and the incidents around her getting shot in a school bus and coming round in Birmingham, UK. She is now a symbol of peace and courage. She has got the prestigious Nobel Prize for Peace in 2014. Her book is really inspiring. Take time to read it.



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