Write a letter to your uncle describing about various experiences at home during this lockdown period
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Home >Lounge >Features >A letter to my nephews on making sense of covid-19 and its aftermath
Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi with his nephews, Abhishek and Ishan, in 2013.
Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi with his nephews, Abhishek and Ishan, in 2013.
A letter to my nephews on making sense of covid-19 and its aftermath
6 min read . Updated: 09 Apr 2020, 09:00 AM IST
Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi
Alone, in Goa under lockdown, author Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi pens a letter to his nephews, calling on calm, grace and a return to reason
Dear Abhishek and Ishan – While you are both safe and healthy, this is an unprecedented, impossible time, without an instruction manual. It's going to have to be assembly by trial.
You, Ishan, are in rural Wales, far from home in Bengaluru. Windows in your sheltering house look out at fields. I imagine your relief when your roommate’s family took you in after your university shut and borders closed. This family's rescue – high up in the pantheon of human grace – confirms the arrow in any compass points at compassion. Anne Frank was right – people are really good at heart. The world has a genius for amplifying every unkind deed. But in gloomy hours, behold each encountered kindness as magnificent, even wondrous. Every wee thing – a sweet word, an apple in your basket – is an exchange of light, of the recognition that you were earmarked out of billions to receive a treat. No one has your particular apple. Only you. Utter the sweet word: it was yours only to be passed on.