write a letter to your uncle explaining what you which to do after leaving school.
Dear Uncle ______,
I hope all is well with you. Even though I’m very busy with preparations for school, I’m really excited! It won’t be long now. Many thanks for your encouragement and support. I will send you regular updates on how it’s going.
I’ve discovered that there are 3 things I still need, to be ready for school:
(Then you list the 3 things and why you need them. If these are things that will help you study, or not waste time, or are required for a class, point that out.)
If you could help me with any or all of these, I would be enormously grateful. If you do choose to help, let me know how you would prefer to handle their purchase.
(Actually buying these things might be more of an inconvenience than just sending you a check, so you should know the cost of each item.)
Many thanks!