write a letter which is given in the picture

to, the archaeological department, Jaipur, sub:neglicence in maintenance of historical monuments in Jaipur respected sir, as you know Jaipur is known as pink city in the world.but even the colour of the buildings is getting dirty because of very low maintenance by the authorities.when I visited amer Mila,I was shocked to see that no one is concerned about how dirty people make the chabootras by throwing eatables and cold drinks.there has to be strict actions like fine on people who throw garbage and maintenance of ggarbage.I have seen that the arms and armies of the late kings and princes are becoming rusty.the talwars are becoming rusty but no one cares for the proper maintenance of these ancient momentos of our legendary freedom fighters and kings.if we won't maintain now what are we going to give our future generations.this is truelly pathetic. kindly look into the matter and take immidiate actions in regards to our anchient monuments. thanking you