write a letter your mother in that scrapbook reflecting the bond of love, care and affection between the two you?
As a mother, I make mistakes. I am not perfect. And sometimes I go a little crazy. But all that is okay because, at the end of the day, I know that no one could ever love my baby the way I do.
My baby may not get everything they want in life, but they can be sure that they have a mother that loves them unconditionally, more than anything on earth.
I love my children because they complete my world with laughter and joy, and I wish for nothing more.
My dear children, if you can see yourselves through my eyes then you would see how special you are.
The only love in this universe that is truly unconditional, selfless, and forgiving is parental love.
All I want to see in this whole wide world is for you to grow up happy and healthy.
There is nothing more brilliant in this world than seeing your children grow up to become the best person they can be.
Children need at least one person on this earth who delights in their existence, who thinks that the sun rises and sets on them, and loves them with all their heart.
The greatest and best gift I can give my children is my love, my time, and my attention. Nobody can stop me from loving you.
Raising my children was my choice. Sometimes, I give up things for them but I never regret it. No matter how far they go or how big they get, my life is and will always be for my children. They have not ruined my life; all they have done is give me a new meaning of life.
Everything I thought I would hate about having kids; the screaming, the crying, nothing has made me regret it. I completely love it and it has relaxed me.
I love my babies beyond all reason. They are my joy even when they are filled with wild kid energy.
You could stretch the love I have for you countless times around the world, and when the entire world is covered, you could stretch my love through the galaxy for all eternity.
My feeling of responsibility for the well-being and safety of my babies are so strong that even if an asteroid threatens the existence of life on earth, I would hold myself responsible for my babies’ fates.
I love my children very much. They allow me to be late to every event without having to take the blame.
What is it like to be a parent? It is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do but in exchange, you learn the meaning of true and unconditional love.