write a letterthe government has issues detailed guidelines with regard of covid-19 from citizen to follow in Spirit. but you see widespread negligence about it. to make matter no worse, the number of covid patients in your locality has been rising. write a letter ( in about 100 to 150 words ) to the editor of a national daily showing your concern about the complacent attached being shown by public and the dangers it might invite in future. you are Amit/Anita of 25, pack road, Lucknow
Proper citation of resources increases a writer's
Proper citation of resources increases a writer's
Pack road
Uttar Pradesh
February 13th 2021
Editor of National Daily
Sub: Concern about the complacent attached being shown by public.
Respected Sir,
I Anita of 25, Pack road are concerning about the negligence of the guidelines of Covid-19.
There is a negligence of Covid-19 from citizens as they are widespread as they lead to difficulty in future in increasing patients of the pandemic.
I request you to concern all to follow the guidelines as TV channels break so they realise their mistakes.
Thank You
Yours Sincerely
Format Of The Formal Letter.
Sender's Address
Receiver's Address
Subject for the letter
1st Paragraph (Introduction)
2nd Paragraph (Main Body)
3rd Paragraph (Conclusion)
Thank You
Yours Sincerely/Faithfully
Your Name