write a long paragraph on apj abdul kalam in 500 words
hope it will help u dear
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931 to Jainulabdeen, an imam and boat owner and Ashiamma, a housewife at Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. He had three elder brothers and one elder sister. From a very young age, he was a very hardworking boy who had a keen interest in mathematics. To help his family monetarily, he used to sell newspapers while studying at Schwartz Higher Secondary School, Ramnathapuram. He then graduated in physics from Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli in 1954. He then studied Aerospace Engineering at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai. During one of his class projects, he was put under a tight deadline of three days by the Dean. Dr. Kalam pushed himself and met the deadline which impressed the Dean. Thus, he proved himself to be a very dedicated and disciplined person. Unfortunately, he could not realize his dream of becoming a fighter pilot as he could not clear the qualifiers.
He then joined as a scientist in the Aeronautical Development Establishment of the Defence Research and Development Organisation in 1960. He designed a hovercraft and then worked under Vikram Sarabhai for nine years. He then shifted to the Indian Space Research Organisation where he was the Project Director for designing the India’s first Satellite Launch Vehicle. He also developed the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle and SLV-III further. He then worked on projects to develop ballistic missiles for the country. His most notable work was as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister and Secretary of DRDO from 1992 to 1999. It was at this time the Pokhran-II tests were conducted which established India’s name as one of the wielders of nuclear power in India. He also designed an affordable coronary stent and tablet computer with the help of Dr. Soma Raju, a cardiologist.
On 25th July 2002, Dr. Abdul Kalam was nominated as the eleventh President of India. His term lasted till 25th July 2007. Durin his tenure, he was loved by the citizens for his wisdom and was claimed as the People’s President. Some of his important Presidential decisions include rejecting the mercy plea of Dhananjoy Chatterjee and imposing President’s rule in Bihar in 2005. Even though he was willing to renew his Presidential office for a second term, he later withdrawed due to lack of political support from multiple parties. He declined the request to participate in the 2012 Presidential elections even though he had widespread public support.
After exiting the Presidential office he worked as a visiting professor at a number of premier institutions and universities such as IIT Hyderabad, IIM Shillong, IIM Ahmedabad, IISc Bangalore and Anna University. He gave a lot of guest lectures and speeches at colleges and universites across India. He was revered by the youth of India and inspired many to work towards their passion and goals.
On 27th July 2015, Dr. Abdul Kalam passed away due to cardiac arrest while giving a lecture at IIM Shillong. His death is considered to be one of the great losses of the country was grieved by the masses. Not just India but the whole world had lost a great thinker, philosopher and idealist on that day.
Dr. Kalam’s legacy will last till the world ends. He stands as an example for perseverance and wisdom. He taught us to believe in oneself and to stay focused on one’s goals till it is achieved. Most importantly, he asked us to dream as those dreams will push us forward in our lives.