English, asked by ZenithKrueger, 1 year ago

Write a long story about an Apple and an Old Witch.


Surabhi9: Oh!
ZenithKrueger: if the question was for me XD
Surabhi9: You are girl?
Surabhi9: Ohhho
ZenithKrueger: Does this website allow us to talk about such stuff?
Surabhi9: What i say?
Surabhi9: This app is very helpful
ZenithKrueger: flower ur really putting ue heart into this story arent u?
Surabhi9: it is a education apo
Surabhi9: App


Answered by flower161

Some may have heard about the ancient Isle of Avalon that features prominently in the Arthurian saga of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Morgan LeFay and The Lady of the Lake. The Isle of Avalon was reputed to be an island of witches or Priestesses of the Goddess, those who followed the old craft at a time when Christianity was starting to overtake Western Europe. Avalon is an ancient Welsh word that stands for afal or apple. The Isle of Apples. 

Even in the Old Testament, in the Book of Genesis, the early Christians took the fruit of knowledge and made it an apple. Yes, yes, I know that considering the locale of the Garden of Eden would have been in the Middle East that scholars today believe the fruit of knowledge was most likely a pomegranate, but its important to understand that the early Christians made the fruit an apple. Actually apple was a term given to most fruits except for berries in ancient times. So apple was a generic term that stood for fruit. Fruit has long been associated with the essence of the Goddess, whereas Wheat and grains have long stood to represent the God. 

The early Christians did not do much by happenstance, at least to my understanding. They chose an apple because it was a fruit, and fruit was closely associated with the Goddess and the serpent in the Garden, by the way, was no accident either. The serpent or snake had for centuries before Christianity represented women's knowledge and power, so all the better to make it the antagonist in the Garden of Eden story. The apple itself was 'forbidden' as the old religion was forbidden with the onset of Christianity. The serpent represented women's power at a time when women and their power was being denigrated and forcefully put down so that the religion of the one male god could reign with no competition. The apple has long been considered a fruit of the Goddess, and modern witches today understand this. It is a fruit that has loving energies associated with it, as well as healing energies. Apple cider is credited with all sorts of healing, cleansing, disinfecting and astringent abilities. We see the fruit as a sign of the sacred divine feminine. You can see this also. Take an apple and halve it across the wide part, in other words cut it horizontally. You will see the seed pod dissected across itself and it forms a five pointed star, also a symbol of the Goddess, women and protection. The five pointed star is an ancient symbol that has been seen for thousands of years as a representation of the Great Mother. I personally feel that as the witch was denigrated and turned evil over time by those who feared us and did not understand what it is that we do, so was the poor, delicious apple turned evil in fairy tales by being poisoned and being used to cause harm and even death. Yet, the apple retains its magickal abilities in the fairy tales even as it causes 'death' to the princess, or a sleep of a hundred years, its powers are rendered null when a handsome prince kisses the princess thereby breaking the spell and releasing the princess from the poisoned apple's magickal grip.The apple has long been associated with the witch, and the witch with the apple. I am here to state that neither of us is evil or harmful. We are simply creations of the Goddess and as such, can be quite delicious

ZenithKrueger: thank you
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