write a manual part program to machine the contour as shown in figure .the component is 12 mm thick
Step-by-step explanation:
Numerical control codes — standards — Manual Programming — canned cycles and subroutines —computer Assisted programming — CAD/CAM approach to NC part programming — APT language,machining from 3D models.A part program is a set of instruction providing x, y and z coordinates and other details to perform thedesired machining operations. It directs how the tool should move with respect to work piece (or) viceversa. A part program consists of all information necessary to complete the machining of a component.In olden days, the part programs are coded on the punched tape: Nowadays, the punched tapes are replacedby floppy disk and CDs. The punched tape is prepared according to the part program manuscript.The punched tapes are 1 inch wide (25.4 mm). It was standardized by the Electronics industriesAssociation (EIA). The sample punched tape is shown in fig. The punched tape is fed through the tapereader once for each component.There are eight columns of holes as shown in fig. There is one column of sprocket holes in between 3’ and4 columns to feed the tape.The coding of the tape is obtained by either the presence (or) absence of a hole in the various positions.This coding system uses the binary digit.A binary digit is called a bit. It has a value 0 (or) 1 to represent absence (or) presence of a hole in aparticular row and column position of the tape. The columns of] holes run lengthwise along the tape. Rowpositions run across the tape.In the row of bits, a character is formed. A character is a combination of bits Representing a letter, numberand symbol: A word is. a collection of characters forming part of instruction. The collection of words formsa block. A block of words gives one set of instruction. Each block of information is separated by End-of-block (EOB) symbol in the column.The part program is denoted by the symbol %. It defines the sequence of ONC machining operation. Eachblock contains the following, types of words to perform a movement and functions.1. Sequence Number (N—word (or) N codes)2; Preparatory functions (G’-words (or) G code)3. Coordinate words (X, Y, Z words) (or) Dimension words.4. Speed rate (S word (or) S code)Feed rate (F word (or) F code)Tool selection (T word (or) T