Computer Science, asked by SANRIDDHA, 2 days ago

Write a menu driven program to make a calculator. Accept the sign as user's choice to perform the

following tasks. Also accept 2 values from user.

Option list- sum, difference, product, quotient, remainder.​


Answered by PARCHO
  • I assumed you want the answer in java programming language with respect to ICSE Board.
  • Menu driven programs involve statements.
  • I am using java.util.Scanner to accept the required things.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Calculator{

public static void main(String args[]) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; //Scanner object is created.

System.out.println("Enter 2 numbers for calculations - ");

int a = sc.nextInt();

int b = sc.nextInt();

System.out.println("Enter the sign for the operation (*,+,-,/,%) :-");

char op = sc.nextLine().charAt(0); //Used to accept character.

switch(op){ // begins here

case '+':

int s=a+b;

System.out.println("The sum is -" +s);


case '-':

int d=a-b;

System.out.println("The difference is -" +d);


case '*':

int p=a*b;

System.out.println("The product is -" +p);


case '/':

int q=a/b;

System.out.println("The quotient is -" +q);


case '%':

int r=a%b;

System.out.println("The remainder is -" +r);


default: //default case for error handling

System.out.println("Incorrect input.");

} //switch ends

}//main() method ends

} //class ends

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