Write a message or dairy or leave letter on third wave affects on children
The COVID‑19 pandemic is harming health, social and material well-being of children worldwide, with the poorest children, including homeless children and children in detention, hit hardest. School closures, social distancing and confinement increase the risk of poor nutrition among children, their exposure to domestic violence, increase their anxiety and stress, and reduce access to vital family and care services. Widespread digitalisation mitigates the education loss caused by school-closures, but the poorest children are least likely to live in good home-learning environments with internet connection.
The second wave of coronavirus saw many pediatric cases of COVID-19 come forward and cause infections amongst children, who were once considered to be less affected. The manner of infections and the rise in cases made many believe that after senior citizens, younger, healthy people, the next wave would be much detrimental for kids. However, it may not be the case as there is no scientific proof to support the same.
As per experts, the third wave being dangerous for kids, or affecting them in larger numbers does not have any scientific backing yet, and is based on speculative matters. Doctors have also repeatedly stressed on the fact that kids who do end up catching COVID-19 do get milder forms of the disease, recuperate early and have better recovery odds.
From serosurveys conducted across states like Maharashtra and UP, data has suggested that over 80% of the kids have been exposed to the virus in one way or the other. With a prevalence of antibodies, it is unlikely that the third wave or any emerging variants would be extremely problematic for children in the coming months.