Computer Science, asked by mucherladeekshitha12, 11 months ago

Write a method Met that takes as parameter an integer.

This integer has the value of the day. Depending on this value, you have to print the day’s name. So, if the value is 1, you should print Sunday and if the value is 6 it will print Friday. If the integer is not in the correct range then it should return Invalid.

Only write the method - assume that the Class & main method have been defined.


Answered by yashchaudhary9529



Secondary School Computer science 5 points

Write a method Met that takes as parameter an integer.

This integer has the value of the day. Depending on this value, you have to print the day’s name. So, if the value is 1, you should print Sunday and if the value is 6 it will print Friday. If the integer is not in the correct range then it should return Invalid.

Only write the method - assume that the Class & main method have been defined.

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