Write a narrative diary entry focused on a theme and genre.
Theme:(pick one)
a. Coming of age: growing up and getting old is a privilege that’s why most authors focus on coming of age. Through the events of the story, we see children grow up to adults, learning life skills and valuable lessons.
b. Judgement: in a story a character may be judged for one reason or another. They can be judged as being exceptional or can be judged for wrongdoing or their personality. From the story, you can learn that not in all judgments one can get justice.
c. Survival: when the main character gets to overcome a number of odds against him to get to live another day or get another chance to do something is very interesting. We
get to know how the protagonist survives the odd.
d. Peace and War: Characters in the story are often caught in the mayhem of conflict.
More often you get the characters hoping for a good life and days of peace. The characters are seen casting their minds back to the days of peace.
2. Genre: (pick one)
a. ScienceFiction:
b. Historical Fiction:
c. Horror:
d. Fable:
3. Brainstorm and outline a narrative based on the message you want to convey to your audience (theme).
Part 2: Using your outline, draft your narrative diary entry.
1. Format your diary entry:
a. Include a salutation (example: Dear Diary, “Name of other character,” etc.)
b. Create new paragraphs based on topic or change in time/setting
c. Add a closing and your “signature”
2. Focus
a. Have a clear beginning, middle, and end to the entry (minimum 3 paragraphs)
b. Clear conflict
c. Think about where you are in the plot of the story
d. Include dialogue, description, and sensory language (Live the experience)
e. Theme may be stated or inferred
on plot and narrative elements:
Story based on impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, usually
set in the future or on other planets.
Story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.
Fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the
Narration demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as
humans; legendary, supernatural tale.
1.War and peace
War is a terrible evil. It refers to an armed battle between nations. War causes big sufferings to the family members of the people who die during the war.
During wars, there is massive destruction of property, wealth, trade, industry, etc. It completely upsets the social life of people.
Many people argue that war is a necessary evil, and the only process of solving international disputes. But, in reality, war happens, only because people are not ready to settle disputes in a peaceful manner.
Peace means complete freedom from disturbance. It refers to those times when there is no war or fight among nations. Once the world starts believing that wars are unnecessary and decide to abolish war completely, they will certainly find a way for peaceful co-existence.
Human being’s love for peace is universal. Human being is by nature peaceful. War does not furnish a proof of the idea that human is a fighting animal. Even the acts of war did not spoil in the least human’s spontaneous love for peace.
Modern people are threatened by the dreadful inventions of science. But this actual threat is coming not from science but from war, in which the power of science is abused.
It is one thing to keep a nation strong and vigorous and save it, it is another thing to infuse a wanton spirit of aggression and destruction into it.
The modern nations must truly realize in their heart the full significance of the teaching – ‘For all they that take to the sword, shall perish with the sword’. Then and then only shall peace reign in the world.
Resource coordination: resources in a grid must be coordinated in order to provide aggregated computing capabilities. – Transparent access: a grid should be seen as a single virtual computer. – Dependable access: a grid must assure the delivery of services under es- tablished Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.Resource coordination: resources in a grid must be coordinated in order to provide aggregated computing capabilities. – Transparent access: a grid should be seen as a single virtual computer. – Dependable access: a grid must assure the delivery of services under es- tablished Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.