English, asked by faizanali1630, 6 months ago

Write a narrative essay of 200-250 words write A situation in which you got lost for/short on words.’


Answered by bhoomiyadav626

one summer, my family moved to a new city. I was very shy, and my mom knew I might need a little extra help getting used to our new home. She decided it would be good for me to take a summer art class at the school I'd be attending in the fall.

That meant taking a city bus across town to the school. Before my first day of class, my mom rode with me on the bus and showed me how I'd have to ring the bus bell before my stop, so the driver would know to stop. It looked easy enough, and though it was a little scary to do this on my own in a new city, I was sure I could.

The first day of class, I caught the bus just fine. I watched carefully as it got closer to the high school. But I waited a little too long and rang the bell just after the bus passed the stop I needed.

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I guess the bus driver thought I rang the bell for the next stop after mine, because he kept on driving. And I was too shy to say anything. It just seemed too hard to do.

So I kept on riding in the bus as it went past the school, across a highway overpass, and into another neighborhood. I was far beyond the school - it was much too far to walk.

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I didn't know what else to do, so I got off the bus when it finally stopped. There I stood, in the middle of a neighborhood where all the houses looked alike. For as far as I could see, identical houses lined the streets. I can't really just walk up to one of those strange houses and ask for help, I thought.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I asked God for help. I'd always known that God loved and cared for us, no matter what situation we were in or what mistake we'd made. So I felt sure that God could help me now.

Of course, when you ask someone to help you, you have to listen for the answer. So I stood very quietly and listened. The first thing I remembered was that my dad had some friends who lived in this very neighborhood. We'd been to their house once before, but I didn't remember where it was.

So I listened some more.

This time, I remembered a song I'd sung in Sunday School. The woman who started this newspaper, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote the words in a poem. The poem talks about how God is like a shepherd who guides and cares for us. Part of it says:

I will listen for Thy voice,

Lest my footsteps stray;

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I will follow and rejoice

All the rugged way.

I felt very relieved to know that I could trust God to tell me which way I should go. So I started walking, and sang the song to myself while I walked. Every time I came to a corner, I would stand very still and listen for God's direction. I didn't hear an actual voice telling me which way to go. But I would just suddenly feel which way was the right way to turn, and then I would walk that way.

Pretty soon I found myself standing in front of one house. I listened some more, and felt sure this was my dad's friends' house. So I went up and rang the doorbell. And it was the right house! The woman who lived there was very surprised to see me. She let me inside and had me call my mom, who came from work and drove me to the school.

There are two things I remember from that day: the first is how much trouble I got in for not talking to the bus driver when I should have! Everybody seemed kind of mad at me, and I knew I wasn't going to make that mistake again. But even while everyone was lecturing me, I still felt a great peace - because what I'd learned that day seemed so much more important than even trying not to be shy. I'd learned that I could turn to God any- time, in any circumstance, and that He would guide me each step of the way.

I did make some good friends that summer. And they even helped me get over my shyness.

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And thine ears shall hear

a word behind thee, saying,

This is the way, walk ye in it,

when ye turn to the right hand,

and when ye turn to the left.

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Answered by niteshrajputs995


A narrative essay of the provided word limit on the situation in whicn I got lost in my job:


It was the first day of my new job, and I was scheduled to attend a meeting with my team. As the newest member of the group, I was eager to make a good impression and show that I was a valuable addition to the team. However, as the meeting began, I found myself struggling to keep up with the conversation.

As my colleagues discussed various topics related to our project, I found myself struggling to find the right words to contribute to the conversation. Every time I tried to speak up, I stumbled over my words and struggled to express my thoughts clearly.

My mind went blank, and I felt as though I was lost in a sea of jumbled thoughts. As the meeting continued, I grew increasingly frustrated with myself, feeling as though I was failing to meet the expectations of my team.

Finally, as the meeting drew to a close, I realized that I needed to take a step back and listen more attentively to my colleagues. Instead of trying to force my way into the conversation, I focused on being an active listener, taking note of the ideas and insights shared by my team.

As I continued to work with my team, I learned to be more comfortable with my own voice and to trust my ability to contribute to the conversation. This experience taught me that it's okay to get lost for short on words, and that being a good listener can be just as valuable as being a good speaker.

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