Write a new ending for "The Diamond Necklace". You can go further back in the story if you'd like and change it a bit
more, but the essence, or theme of the story should stay the same. This should be at least a paragraph long. You will
upload the new ending to your instructor.
Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 18:34
Good story! I actually laughed when I read the last line. :D
Tue, 15 Dec 2020, 15:11
Anybody reading this in a mask at school?
Mon, 14 Dec 2020, 19:03
It is an amazing story, I feel as if though she learned a very valuable lesson in the end.
Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 14:21
This is a good/ amazing story
Thu, 25 Jun 2020, 10:41
A lesson learned but could Mme Forsteir have eased the pain by just thanking Mmd Loisel?
Mon, 20 Apr 2020, 11:55
Oooohh how painful is the ending
Tue, 24 Mar 2020, 05:16
What a sad, ironic story. A true masterpiece!
Sun, 01 Mar 2020, 16:28
I like how by the end of the day Madame Loisel finally learned what hardwork is.
Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 12:19
Umm so i read this for a school project and well, it was fine? i guess. i little doul (?)... And to the one person that asked: yes, the comments are real!