write a newspaper report with100 words on death of persons due to landslides in your place
Eco cubs play an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation.
Eco clubs in schools are the means by which students can be empowered to participate and take up
meaningful environmental activities and projects.
Many programmes and projects are formed and combined together to make a frame work of Eco
club. Preparation of Eco-friendly product out of waste material forms an important part of Eco club. As
it enables us to make the useless things more useful.
Recycling and reusing the valuable waste material can result in development of fantastic and usable
products. Rather than putting these waste materials into the landfills, various innovative and creative
ideas can be put together to being something new and useful.
Before, we start with any program, certain aims/ objective need to be formulated so as to conduct
successful programmes. Some of such objectives are listed below.
• To develop the ability to think and organize the thinking to create something useful.
• To indulge the students into a extracurricular activity with exclusive tool i.e. waste material.
• To explore the environmental concepts and actions which are beyond the curriculum & syllabus.