Write a newspaper reports on dangue
New Delhi - In the past week in New Delhi 9 person have been victimized by the Dengue. While these persons are no more with us, many more are still suffering from this fever and are seeking good medical care. In these 9 people 5 are from Green Park Area, 3 are from Hauz khas area and one is from Malaviya Nagar. As we can see from the pattern this disease is constantly spreading its wing through out the city.
Dengue is a viral fever caused by the carrier mosquito. These mosquitoes can grow in water logged area, which can be found in sewers, pits, plastics waste carrying water. If proper identification of this disease is not done very soon then this can be vital for a person.
The hygiene of the city has been to its lowest level now. It's time we ask the government what have they done regarding this. Why the city being the capital looks like a dumpster? Where are good hospitals for the poor people? Where is free medical care available for people?
So unless we people don't do anything about this, this fever will keep on spreading claiming more lives.