Chemistry, asked by saritakharkar00, 9 months ago

write a note of priocipal quantun number ​


Answered by mayur8897


a no. which occur in the theoretical expression for the value of sone quantum property of subsubatomic particles like, atoms or molecules

Answered by jinkazamachiranjib


The principal quantum number is the quantum number denoted by n and which indirectly describes the size of the electron orbital.


The principal quantum number, usually designated by n, appears in the description of the electronic structure of atoms. The quantum number first arose in the Bohr-Sommerfeld theory of the hydrogen atom, but it is also part of the solution of the Schrodinger equation for hydrogen-like atoms. It is a positive integral number, n = 1, 2, 3, …, that indexes atomic shells. Historically, atomic shells were indicated by the capital letters K, L, M, … for n=1,2,3,…, respectively, but this usage is dying out.

In the Bohr-Sommerfeld ("old") quantum theory, the electron in a hydrogen-like (one-electron) atom moves in elliptic orbits. The principal quantum number appears in this theory at two places: in the energy En of the electron and in the length an of the major semi axis of the nth orbit,

where Ry is the Rydberg energy for infinite nuclear mass (= 13.605 6923 eV). Further, me is the mass of the electron, −e is the charge of the electron, Ze(e in subscript) is the charge of the nucleus, ε0 is the electric constant, and \h^bar is Planck's reduced constant.

In the "new" quantum mechanics (of Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and others) the energy En of a bound electron in a hydrogen-like atom satisfies the exact same equation, but the electron orbit is replaced by an electron orbital; the latter has no radius. However, in the new quantum theory the same expression for an appears in the form of the expectation value of r (the length of the position vector of the electron) with respect to a state with principal quantum number n. That is, quantum mechanics gives the same measure for the "size" of a one-electron atom (in state n) as the old quantum theory.

Strictly speaking, the principal quantum number is not defined for many-electron atoms. However, in a fairly good approximate description (central field plus independent-particle model) of the many-electron atom, the principal quantum number does appear and hence n is a label that is often applied to many-electron atoms as well.

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