India Languages, asked by archit97, 6 months ago

write a note on bihu in Sanskrit​


Answered by sarmilachoudhary090


Bihu is a set of three important Assamese festivals in the Indian state of Assam[4]—Rongali or Bohag Bihu observed in April, Kongali or Kati Bihu observed in October, and Bhogali or Magh Bihu observed in January.[5] The Rongali Bihu is the most important of the three, celebrating spring festival. The Bhogali Bihu or the Magh Bihu is a harvest festival, with community feasts. The Kongali Bihu or the Kati Bihu is the sombre, thrifty one reflecting a season of short supplies and is an animistic festival.[6]


Assamese couple in traditional attire.jpg

Bihu of Assam

Official name


Also called

Rongali Bihu (April) • Kɑti Bihu (October) • Bhogali Bihu (January)

Observed by

Assamese people


Regional folk




In the months of Bohag, Kaati and Maagh



The Rongali Bihu coincides the Assamese New year and as well as with other regions of Indian subcontinent, [East Asia] and South-East Asia, which follow the Hindu calendar and Buddhist calendar.[7] The other two Bihu festivals every year are unique to Assamese people. Like some other Indian festivals, Bihu is associated with agriculture, and rice in particular. Bohag Bihu is a sowing festival, Kati Bihu is associated with crop बिहू (Bihu) 2020 का त्यौहार भारत के असम (Assam) राज्य का प्रमुख फसल कटाई पर मनाया जाने वाला त्यौहार है। एक वर्ष में यह त्यौहार असम में 3 बार मनाया जाता है।

सर्दियों के मौसम में यह त्यौहार पूस संक्रांति के दिन (Pous Sankranti day) मनाया जाता है जो की उस महीने का आखरी दिन होता है और दूसरा विषुव संक्रांति के दिन(Vishuva Sankranti Day) मनाया जाता है जो बंगाली कैलंडर का आखरी दिन होता है। तीसरी बार यह त्यौहार कार्तिक(Month of Kartik) महीने में मनाया जाता है।

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