Economy, asked by gowsalyat85, 8 months ago

write a note on civil​


Answered by Brainlyboy00


Civil and Criminal Law - History and Civics. CIVIL LAW. By definition, civil law is “A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes between individuals in such areas as contracts, property, and Family Law; distinct from criminal or public law”. TYPES OF CIVIL LAW. CRIMINAL LAW.

Answered by nidaeamann


If we look at various types of industries operating in an economy, then civil is a major industry that is related to all sorts of construction activities. Normally this construction is related to buildings but it can be any structure. Civil is a complete industry that involves proper design, preferably a 3 dimensional design, drawings and layout, construction material, plan, resources and a proper schedule. This industry is an extremely technical field where people need to have a strong expertise in this to construct a safe building

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