Biology, asked by telecomkhalsa, 7 months ago

write a note on " development of sex organs" which occur during puberty​


Answered by PROASH

The adolescent spurt in skeletal and muscular dimensions is closely related to the rapid development of the reproductive system that takes place at this time. The acceleration of penis growth begins on average at about age 121/2 years, but sometimes as early as 101/2 and sometimes as late as 141/2. The completion of penis development usually occurs at about age 141/2, but in some boys is at 121/2 and in others at 161/2. There are a few boys, it will be noticed, who do not begin their spurts in height or penis development until the earliest maturers have entirely completed theirs. At ages 13, 14, and 15 there is an enormous variability among any group of boys, who range all the way from practically complete maturity to absolute preadolescence. The same is true of girls aged 11, 12, and 13.

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