write a note on global market and Indian agriculture
India's signing of the GATT agreements in 1994 and her joining the World Trade Organisation as a founder member have put Indian agriculture into the framework of global competition and rule of the global market. However, discussion of the issue of the competitiveness of Indian agriculture has been carried on in a narrow context, ignoring major questions such as global commodity prospects in terms of prices and their stability/instability and the movement of domestic and world market prices and of agricultural and non-agricultural prices within the country. The overriding issue of the structure of the global market has been hardly brought into the discourse. In this paper an attempt is made to examine competitiveness of some selected agricultural crops in the light of empirical evidence of domestic and international prices, the world commodity situation and the structure of the global market for agricultural commodities.
have put Indian agriculture into the framework of global competition and rule of the global market. However ..... Notes: * This includes market fee of 2 per cent + purchase tax of 4 per cent + rural ..... deliberately chosen to make underestimate.