Write a note on interaction of cockroach with man.
⑴ They Causes damage to the household materials like clothes, shoes, paper, etc. They also eat and destroy the good stuff.
⑵ They contaminate food which gives typical smell and make it unpalatable.
⑶ They live in sewage pipes and gutter holes, they carry with them harmful pathogens causing diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, typhoid , etc.
⑷ Many other animals prey upon them and making them a part of food chain.
⑸ They are eaten by certain groups of people in South America, China and Myanmar.
⑹ It is an experimental material in labs and research fields.
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Control measures for harmful causes of cockroach:-
⒈Places like kitchen cupboard must be cleaned regularly. Cracks and crevices & such areas must be filled.
⒉Always keep the drain trap filled with water.
⒊Organophosphates, Carbamates, pyrethroids and boric acid are efficient poisons of cockroaches , various types of their formulations are available in market, under various brand names.
✦Do you know?
Cockroaches are considered as bio- indicators! Their presence indicate unhygienic conditions.
Cockroaches interact with mankind by thriving in and around their habitat. They are considered pests because they spoil food and contaminate it with their smelly excreta. They can transmit a variety of bacterial diseases by contaminating food particles.