write a note on kabir not more then 50 words
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kabir was a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and saint, whose writings, according to some scholars, influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement. However the word "Bhakti" (with clear reference to Kirtana or chanting of names of God in devotion) has been mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita numerous times and the Bhagavad Gita predates Kabir by thousands of years.
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Kabir was brought up by a muslim weaver. Although he took up his foster father's profession and settled to a married life, he still spent lots of time in religious thoughts. He was a disciple of bhakti saint Hamananda of Varanasi. He was also influenced by several other Bhakti saints, Hindu saints, Sufi saints and Mahayana Buddhism as well. He had followers from all sections of society. His followers were known as Kabirpanthis. He condemned discrimination on the basis of caste and wealth. He Rejected meaningless rituals. He believed that god is one and formless. His verses were composed of Bhojpuri mixed with Urdu. Books like 'The Kabir Granthavali' and 'The Bijaks' contain his verses.
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