Social Sciences, asked by 18shreya2004mehta, 8 months ago

write a note on naxalism​


Answered by aisha1411

Maoists demand humanity for the poverty stricken masses, not the dirty politicking of the mainstream. Maoists demand decent life for all, not just for the elite and their hangers on that thrive on the mainstream. The vultures of the system demand that the Maoists give up not merely their guns, but their self-respect, humanity, sense of justice and the struggles for a decent existence. They want the Maoists to join the gutter mainstream.”

Maoist Campaign Material

1. That Gentlemen is an extract from a Maoist Campaign Material. You would agree with me that this kind of talk not only has a special appeal but also finds tremendous support, both financial and ideological in rural India. The result is for all to see: Superintendent of Police of Munger in Bihar killed in a Maoist attack,15 policemen killed in landmine blast in Uttar Pradesh, 15 civilians gunned down in broad day light in Jharkhand, 38 CRPF and State Special Forces killed in Dandakaranya Forest, 38 Grey Hound Special Task Force personnel killed on AP Orissa border, the list just goes on and on. The menace of naxalism has entirely engulfed the nation and is perhaps the biggest single challenge staring us right in our faces. The rise of naxalism may not have been spectacular, but its steady consistent growth can not be denied and needs to be analysed in its right perspective. In the next 18 minutes or so, I will talk to you on what I call the rise of the red, growth of naxalism in India. Coming from the region I do, the state of Bihar, no other issue is closer to my heart. I will cover my talk under the heads of

2. Origin and Expansion. I will then take a peek at the naxalite ideology before moving on to the causes for support of naxalism. Here I will lay special emphasis on the central issue which is that of land ownership and land reforms. I will then touch upon the security challenges that the problem poses before enumerating my proposals and the measures and initiatives of the govt for solving the problem. After conclusion I will answer any questions that you may have.

Origin and Expansion

3. The term naxalism, comes from Naxalbari a small village in West Bengal on the tri junction of India, Nepal and Bangladesh, where a section of CPI (Marxist) led by Charu Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal led a violent uprising in 1967. The insurrection started on May 25 when a group of peasants encouraged and supported by the local communist leaders forcibly lifted the stock from their landlords’ granaries. The movement soon spread to adjoining areas and was widely hailed in Chinese mass media as the spark that would ignite a prairie fire and soon engulf the entire Indian nation.

4. While naxalbari was in the making in West Bengal, one Vempatapu Satyanarayan was organising guerrilla squads called dalams in Srikakulam, a heavily forested area of Andhra Pradesh. There were developments happening elsewhere in the country, landless tribals the santhals, oraons and lodhas against jotedars in West Bengal, Tharu tribals against their oppressors in Palia, Lakimpur in Uttar Pradesh, landless peasants led by Satyanarain Singh against their landlords in a number of districts in Bihar. Roughly 4000 incidents of Naxalite violence were reported from the middle of 1970 to middle of 1971. Op Steeplechase was launched by the central and state governments using CRPF, state armed police and army during Jul Aug 71. The movement was suppressed with force but only temporarily. It was to resurface with more vigour in the eighties with the formation of PWG by Kondapalli Seetharamaiah, an associate of Charu Mazumdar. The PWG moved from strength to strength and emerged as the most formidable naxalite formation in the country. It still is one of the most potent ones along with others like MCC.

Answered by satishpatilsp546

!!!!!!!!Pls Mark as Brainlist!!!!!

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