Write a note on northern blotting.
Northern Blotting is a technique used for the study of gene expression. It is done by detection of particular RNA (or isolated mRNA). mRNA is generally represented as 5% of the overall RNA sequence. This method reveals the identity, number, activity, and size of the particular gene. This blotting technique can also be used for the growth of a tissue or organism. In different stages of differentiation and morphogenesis the abundance of an RNA changes and this can be identified using this technique. It also aids in the identification of abnormal, diseased or infected condition at the molecular level. The northern blot technique was developed in 1977 by James Alwine, David Kemp and George Stank at Stanford University. The technique got its name due to the similarity of the process with Southern blotting. The primary difference between these two techniques is that northern blotting concerns only about RNA.
Blotting is used in molecular biology for the identification of proteins and nucleic acids and is widely used for diagnostic purposes. This technique immobilizes the molecule of interest on a support, which is a nitrocellulosic membrane or nylon. It uses hybridization techniques for the identification of the specific nucleic acids and genes.
The blotting technique is a tool used in the identification of biomolecules such ad DNA, mRNA and protein during different stages of gene expression. Protein synthesis involves expression of a DNA segment which gets converted to mRNA to produce the respective protein.
Subtypes of blotting such as northern, western & southern depend upon the target molecule that is being sought. When a DNA sequence is the foundation or code for a protein molecule, the particular DNA molecule of interest can be blotted using Southern Blotting technique. During gene expression, when the DNA is expressed as mRNA for a protein production, this process can be identified by Northern blotting. Finally, the coded mRNA produces the concerned protein, this protein identification can be done by Western Blotting.