Write a note on qualities of a good notation.
It is obvious from the use made of a notation that the symbols standing for topics in the schedules should:
Notation should reflect order: The Notation must indicate order that mean the symbols use to represent the topic should indicate the position of that topic in hierarchy of it main class or division.
Notation should be assemble as fetchable:
Simplicity of notation depend on the length of notation and on the type of symbol use. Mixed notation may be slightly more complex then a pure notation of equal length.
Notation should be as brief as fetchable:
The notation required to be written on many records, such as the spine of book and the catalogue cards. Therefore the briefness in notation is desirable.
Notation should have flexibility:
The qualification of good notation is that, it should be able to accommodate new topics. That means a notation must have prevision for insertion of new topic into its relevant place in the schedules.
Notation should use the synthetic information: Flexibility of notation is in impracticable without synthesis in notation and synthesis is a fetcher which all schemes use to a leaser or greater.
Hospitality: this most important quality without which the ‘Notation’ valueless for the purpose of
efficient library classification is its hospitality. Since knowledge is dynamic and new subject are constantly bring created, schedules must be able to accommodate new concepts in the correct place. so notation must
be able to accommodate insertion at any point where it will be necessary.
Mnemonic: By ‘Mnemonic’ we mean a notation which has always the same significance whenever it appears in
the classification. Mnemonic in notation are aids to memory.
Usefulness of Notation:
Notation is a series of symbols which stands for the name of a class or any division or sub-division of a class, and forms a convenient means of reference to the arrangement of a classification. Summarizing its usefulness, a notation:
Stands instead of the terms of a classification. It is a constant sign or symbol by which we refer to those terms.
Is a guide to the sequence of the tables and “places” a term in the hierarchy of the schedules. The bare names of the subjects gives no indication of the relative place of those subjects in the schedules, e.g. the term “Psychology” conveys no clue to its place in, say the schedules of the Decimal classification, but the symbol 150 definitely does – the fifth division of class 100. this is important.
Makes possible the use of the index. the symbol attached to the index entry is the only means of quick reference to the place of the topic in the schedules.
Can be used as a short sign to be written in various parts of the book-on the spine, back of title page, label, charging cards, etc.- to facilitate the arrangement books on the shelves, the recording of issues and other statistical information.
Assures clear and efficient working of catalogues by referring readers quickly from the entries of the books.
Facilitates the use of mnemonics.
what is classification?