Social Sciences, asked by kissmyassthama4963, 1 year ago

Write a note on set up of new administration by british


Answered by santlalsharma20195


The New Administrative Set Up

By the Act of 1858 lndia was to be governed directly by and in the name of the Crown

through a Secretary of State in England. The Secretary of State was to he assisted by a

Council of fifteen members of whom

The New Administrative System

- Pre and Post 1857 Councils Act of IS61 cnlargccl the Govcrnor General's council (from 6 to 12 I nlcnihcrs) for making laws in which capacity it was known ;IS thc Imperial Legislative

Council. In this council Indians could also he associated for making laws. I lnclition National Congress aftcr its formation in 1885. clcmandcd a number of

changes in the administration. As a result The Act of 1892. By this Act the

number of members in the Council was increased from 10 to 16. The Act also empowered

tlie Council to cliscuss the annual financial statement. They wcre not to votc thc budget

item by item, but could indulge in a free and fair critisim of the policy of

The role and control ofthe Secretary of Statc for India was adiminution in thc powers of the Govcrnor General vis-a-vis the Home . Thc dual control of the President of the

Control the Directors of the Company was abolishccl ancl all the authority was

I centered in the Secretary of Statc. The financial powers enableel the Govcrnor-Gencral

i to and control the expenditure of the Government of Thc Royal Titlcs

! Act of 1577, brought out the subordination of thc Governor General and his L council to tlic autortliority of the Secretary of State.

While the powcrs oftlic Secretary of Statc wcre increased the checks upon his authority

wcrc wcakcnecl. The Inclian Council was reduced to advisory functions. In fact the

Sccrctary of State to be regardcd as the "grand Mughal".

When the Viceroy of India, Lord Mayo tried to assert his Council's authority he was told that:

Thc principle is that the final control and direction of the affairsof India rcst with

the Homc Government and not with thc authorities appointed and established by

thc crown. under Parliamentary cnactment, in India itself

Thcse devclopnicnrs became possible as a result of the laying of a dircct cablc line England and India in 1870, the opening of the Suez Canal and the shortening

of voyage between the two countries by introduction of steam vessels which helped to

quicken communiction.

Aftcr abolition of the East India Company, the Crown began to tighten its control

over Indian administration. It was in fact a pcriod of British Imperilism in India

Answered by Alstondjustin



The New Administrative Set Up

By the Act of 1858 lndia was to be governed directly by and in the name of the Crown

through a Secretary of State in England. The Secretary of State was to he assisted by a

Council of fifteen members of whom

The New Administrative System

- Pre and Post 1857 Councils Act of IS61 cnlargccl the Govcrnor General's council (from 6 to 12 I nlcnihcrs) for making laws in which capacity it was known ;IS thc Imperial Legislative

Council. In this council Indians could also he associated for making laws. I lnclition National Congress aftcr its formation in 1885. clcmandcd a number of

changes in the administration. As a result The Act of 1892. By this Act the

number of members in the Council was increased from 10 to 16. The Act also empowered

tlie Council to cliscuss the annual financial statement. They wcre not to votc thc budget

item by item, but could indulge in a free and fair critisim of the policy of

The role and control ofthe Secretary of Statc for India was adiminution in thc powers of the Govcrnor General vis-a-vis the Home . Thc dual control of the President of the

Control the Directors of the Company was abolishccl ancl all the authority was

I centered in the Secretary of Statc. The financial powers enableel the Govcrnor-Gencral

i to and control the expenditure of the Government of Thc Royal Titlcs

! Act of 1577, brought out the subordination of thc Governor General and his L council to tlic autortliority of the Secretary of State.

While the powcrs oftlic Secretary of Statc wcre increased the checks upon his authority

wcrc wcakcnecl. The Inclian Council was reduced to advisory functions. In fact the

Sccrctary of State to be regardcd as the "grand Mughal".

When the Viceroy of India, Lord Mayo tried to assert his Council's authority he was told that:

Thc principle is that the final control and direction of the affairsof India rcst with

the Homc Government and not with thc authorities appointed and established by

thc crown. under Parliamentary cnactment, in India itself

Thcse devclopnicnrs became possible as a result of the laying of a dircct cablc line England and India in 1870, the opening of the Suez Canal and the shortening

of voyage between the two countries by introduction of steam vessels which helped to

quicken communiction.

Aftcr abolition of the East India Company, the Crown began to tighten its control

over Indian administration. It was in fact a pcriod of British Imperilism in India

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