Write a note on surgical dressing
A dressing is a sterile pad or compress applied to awound to promote healing and protect the wound from further harm. A dressing is designed to be in direct contact with thewound, as distinguished from a bandage, which is most often used to hold adressing in place. Many moderndressings are self-adhesive....
Surgical dressing: is a sterile pad that is applied on a wound for healing and helps to protect wound from further harm. Surgical dressing plays a vital role in healing of wounds.
Types of surgical dressing: There are different types of dressing that helps in healing wounds fast and effective. These dressing are:
1) Hydrocolloid
2) Hydrogel
3) Alginate
5) Foam
6) Transparent
7) Cloth
All the above items are very much essential to address any medical victim of Assault,Accident etc to be addressed properly in an effective manner.