Write a note on the development of Indian medicines during the ancient period
Although Atreya and Agnivesa dealt with the principles of Ayurveda in 800 BC, Charaka Samhita is credited with the first Ayurvedic compilation. He was the first physician to posit the concepts of digestion, metabolism and immunity. He studied the human body and offered various remedies for numerous diseases
ArticleMediaAdditional Info
ArticleMediaAdditional InfoTraditional medicine and surgery in Asia
ArticleMediaAdditional InfoTraditional medicine and surgery in AsiaIndia
ArticleMediaAdditional InfoTraditional medicine and surgery in AsiaIndiaIndian medicine has a long history. Its earliest concepts are set out in the sacred writings called the Vedas, especially in the metrical passages of the Atharvaveda, which may possibly date as far back as the 2nd millennium BCE. According to a later writer, the system of medicine called Ayurveda was received by a certain Dhanvantari from the god Brahma, and Dhanvantari was deified as the god of medicine. In later times his status was gradually reduced, until he was credited with having been an earthly king who died of snakebite.