English, asked by ainu88, 9 months ago

write a note on the female characters in she stoops to conquer​


Answered by Anonymous


Charles Marlow: Charles Marlow, the play’s central male character, is a modest and well-educated man who has set out to court Kate Hardcastle. Believing the Hardcastle home to be an inn, Marlow is rude to Mr. Hardcastle, whom he thinks is the innkeeper. Marlow is extremely shy around upper-class women, becoming a nervous, bumbling fool in their presence. But around women below his status, he becomes a confident and dashing rogue.

Miss Kate Hardcastle: Miss Hardcastle is the other central character and the one who does the titular stooping. The daughter of Mr. Hardcastle, she shows her father great respect and love. Unlike Mr. Hardcastle, she appreciates the town and all it offers. Kate is cunning, posing as a maid to deceive Marlow—attracted as he is to women of lower status—into falling in love with her. Kate sees that in order for her relationship with Marlow to blossom, she must drastically alter her personality.

George Hastings: George is a friend of Marlow’s and the lover of Miss Constance Neville. He intends to elope to France with Constance, but she will not leave without the jewels she inherited. Therefore, George and Constance enter into an agreement with Tony Lumpkin to retrieve the jewels.

Tony Lumpkin: Tony Lumpkin is Mrs. Hardcastle’s son and Mr. Hardcastle’s stepson. He is a mischievous and uneducated playboy who is fond of gambling and performing at the alehouse. Lumpkin is promised in marriage to Constance Neville, his cousin. However, because he despises Constance, he goes to great lengths to help her and Hastings elope to France. The joke that he plays on Marlow—convincing him that the Hardcastle home is an inn—is the central deception that drives the plot forward.

Mr. Hardcastle: Mr. Hardcastle is a level-headed man who is in love with all things old. He despises the town and its follies, preferring instead to recount the tales of his time at war. He cares very deeply for his daughter, and he is the one who arranges the marriage between Kate and Marlow. Despite being greatly insulted by Marlow’s initial treatment of him, he manages to keep his temper and, after realizing the deception and misunderstanding at work, forgives Marlow and consents to Marlow’s marriage to Kate.

Mrs. Hardcastle: The mother of Tony and the wife of Mr. Hardcastle, Mrs. Hardcastle is a corrupt and greedy widow. She desires the socialite lifestyle of the London elite and often complains that she and her husband never entertain. She spoils Tony, and her love for him blinds her to his flaws. She promises Tony to Constance in marriage in an attempt to keep her inheritance within the family and to take advantage of Constance’s social standing. Mrs. Hardcastle’s greed and vanity prevents her from seeing Tony’s dislike of Constance.

Miss Constance Neville: Constance is in love with Hastings and wants to elope with him. However, she is hesitant because she does not want to lose her precious jewels, which she inherited from her uncle, an East India Company director. Therefore, she and Hastings collaborate with Tony agree to take the jewels away from the greedy Mrs. Hardcastle.

Sir Charles Marlow: A minor character, Sir Charles Marlow is the one who recommended his son, the other Charles Marlow, to his old friend Mr. Hardcastle as a suitable husband.

Hope it helps you....

Mark as a brain lest plz....

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