English, asked by Sangik2043, 1 year ago

Write a note on the ill effects of industrial waste on water?


Answered by Siddharth17691
Generally brewery effluent poses a serious problem in the environment. Those discharges come from the plant during production.

Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. It comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residence, commercial properties, industry or agriculture and can encompass a wide range of potential contaminants and concentration.

Apart from been an eye sore, waste waters can cause epidemics as a result of numerous pathogenic organisms they contain which can lead to loss of useful farm lands. Wastewaters contain nutrients which can stimulate the growth of aquatic plants.

However, industrial waste waters contain pollutants which if freely discharge into the free environment , leads to both physical and chemical changes of the environment such as coloration , biological condition ,reduction in quality and quantity of the biotic floral and human aesthetical assets.

As a result of these, the cost of pollution control is climbing rapidly. Formerly most industries paid for only the volume of the effluent discarded but today, the majority of treatment plant changes are based on both the effluent volume and level of contamination.

Beer is made by brewing which are done in a brew house.

The first process of beer production is malting, malts are been crushed before mixed with water and its degree depends on the method of separation of the wort from spent grains.

The second is milling, which the milled grains are referred to as grist. Trub which is an effluent is drained off after cooling has been done and the cooled wort is transferred to fermentation vessels where fermentation takes place in the presence of yeast.

The next stage is transfer of fermented young beer into masturator tanks, excess yeast are drained off as effluent after this transfer is made. The young beer is allowed to mature in maturation vessel after which beer filtration takes place. Beer losses are encountered as effluent during this filtration process. Also filtration is done with filter aid which is washed off as effluent. The beer is filtered into bright beer tanks and transferred to the bottling machine. It is pasteurized to keep the clear colour for longer periods of time.

The brewery effluent comprises the spent grains from the mash filter. The dissolved product from mashing is known as wort while the insoluble remainder mostly husks of the malt is known as spent grains, surplus yeast which is an effluent is from fermentation process during larger yeast cropping. Spent hops during wort boiling are also brewery effluent. Carbon Dioxide and rough beer. from kieselghur sheet (KG) during filtration are also effluents from beer production.

To produce one liter of beer, a liter of water is generally required. The consumption of water which is the principal raw material in brewery, varies a grade deal from one brewery to another depending on the production method adoption and equipment used.

Brewery effluents have negative and positive effects on environment. If untreated wastewater is allowed to accumulate, the decomposition of the organic materials it contains can lead to the production of large quantities of malodorous gases .Untreated waste water usually contains numerous pathogenic or disease-causing micro organisms that dwell in the human intestinal tract or that may be present in certain industrial waste . Waste water also contains nutrients, which can stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and it may contain toxic compounds.

The only positive effect of brewery effluent is the spent grains which are used for feeding system in such animals like pigs.

For these reasons, the immediate and nuisance -free removal of waste water from its sources of generation followed by treatment and disposal, is not only desirable but also necessary in an industrialized society.

The main objectives and scope of the study are:


To investigate the sources and quantity of waste water from a local brewery.


To characterize a brewery effluent stream and assess their probable influence on the receiving stream.


To propose and implement a treatment scheme for brewery effluent.


To review any treatment schemes available.


To characterize the treated effluent for comparison with the original effluent stream.


To treat the wastewater to a standard level so that it will not be a pollutant in our environment.
Answered by HappyJohn

Ill effects of industrial wastes on water are described below:

The industries and factories releases many harmful chemicals and waste materials into the water bodies like in rivers, ponds, lakes, etc, which polluted those bodies highly. Some of the effects are described below:

i) Water bodies gets highly polluted due to the discharge of oil, chemicals, solvents, concrete, scrap metals, etc.

ii) This harmful substances discharged in water harms the aquatic animals and may even kill fishes and other aquatic animals living there.

iii) Also, the water bodies gets poisoned and becomes unsuitable for human beings to use for their daily purpose.

iv) And if water from these water bodies are used, then humans may suffer from diseased like diarrhoea, jaundice, constipation, headache, etc.

v) The polluted water also causes imbalance and damage to the aquatic system.


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