Political Science, asked by raghu90081, 8 months ago

Write a note on the legitimate use of power in about 500 words


Answered by Anonymous


Write a note on the legitimate use of power is as follows:

In any organisation's dynamics, legitimate power is an important factor.

Legitimate power is power of you which derives from your formal position or office held in the authority's hierarchy of the organisation.

For example, the reason behind certain power of the corporation's president is the office which he holds in the corporation.

Having power is the ability by which outcome can be influenced and goals can be achieved.

Answered by itzJitesh



The concept of legitimacy also has acquired a significant place in modern political theory. Although the germs of this concept can be seen in the writings of Plato who enunciated the idea of justice in his Republic, yet its systematic exposition has been carried only by modern political thinkers.

Power, influence and authority can be effective only if they are legitimate. The role of coercion in political relations has diminished with the growth of culture and civilisation. Coercive power is now regarded primitive and brutal.

The modern political processes make use of non-coercive methods of control such as influence, persuasion, leadership, public opinion, etc. Legitimacy is a pre-requisite of power.

Meaning of Legitimacy:

The word ‘legitimacy’ has been derived from the Latin world ‘legitimas’. During the middle ages it was called ‘legitimitas’ which in English language was interpreted as ‘lawful’. Cicero used the word ‘legitimum’ to denote the power constituted by law. Later on the word ‘legitimacy’ was used for traditional procedures, constitutional principles and adoption to traditions. At still later a stage the element of ‘consent’ was added to its meaning. Consent was considered the essence of legitimate rule.

In the modern age it was Max Weber to first enunciate the concept of ‘legitimacy’ as a universal concept. According to him, legitimacy is based in ‘belief’ and gets obedience from the people. Power is effective only if it is legitimate. Undoubtedly, power has the right to use coercion but that is not its chief element. Power should be based on legitimacy otherwise it would invite trouble and may prove ineffective.

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