write a note on the scope of human geagraphy
each of the physical , biological and social sciences has its owm philosophy methodogy and scope. for example, economics deals primaryil with the proudution, movement and consumption of goods and services ; geoglogy is concernet with the compilation as nd iterrion of the earth's crust; demography pertains to the characreristics
of human population ; and zoology and botanyexamion the animal's and plankts kingd respectively,. simialrly geography examines numerus tangible and intangible natural and man- made phenomana.
in human geography , the major Thurst is on tge study of social scoieties in their relation to the habitat or environment . dealing with the spatial
distribution of societies, human geography cover
a very eide find or its scope isenormoys.
lt embracss the study of human races; the growth, distribbulon and density of population of the various parts of the world, their democratic attributes and culture defferent between human group and economic activities.