write a note on the Tribunal which was set up to process to process to Nazi war criminal against peace
The term is derived from the tribunes, magistrates of the Classical Roman Republic. "Tribunal" originally referred to the office of the tribunes, and the term is still sometimes used in this sense in historical writings.
The trials of directing German administrators before the International Military Tribunal (IMT), the greatest recognized of the postwar war atrocities cases, formally presented in Nuremberg, Germany, on November 20, 1945. Tribunal aimed to control;
The plot to perpetrate offenses against the union, war crimes, and violations against humanity
Violations against agreement
Combat crimes
Offenses against mankind
All of the four Allied countries such as the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain, and France furnished a judge and a pursuance organization. Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence of Great Britain completed as the court's supervising authority. The trial's commands were the outcome of careful adjustments of the Continental and Anglo-American constitutional arrangements.