English, asked by smp28, 10 months ago

Write a note on there's a wisdom of head and neart​


Answered by TheInsaneGirl
Heya !!


★Charles Dickens had very correctly remarked that "There's a wisdom of head and a wisdom of the Heart " . Heart v/s mind ❗ Well these two would be always contradictory as per me ! What a person feels through heart is hardly acceptable to the mind .

→One of the hardest battle is between what you know in your head and what you feel by heart !!

»Now , if you ask me : I'd say that it depends on the person if he chooses to listen to the head or the heart ! Mostly , in today's era : a maximum percentage of people prefer to the listen to the Mind . Why ? Because they focus more on their profit and loss ! For them , life is a profit or loss statement . And this fact isn't acceptable to the heart .

★Simply saying , listening to the mind means focusing on your gains and benefit whereas listening to heart means listening to what you actually feel about a situation . Now , it all depends on the situations also . Sometimes the situations force people to become selfish .Ah ! Not their fault :p

People listening to heart are often termed Foolish ❗ All thanks to the increasing lust for monetary pleasures . People listening to the heart aren't tolerable in the present perspective . People are becoming so money - minded that all what matters is their own personal benefits and nothing else ! It won't be wrong to say that for them it's like :

"Apna Kaam Banta to Bhaad me Jaye Janta"

=> Circumstances have taught me that listening to the mind is the better choice ! Listening to the heart often lands a person in trouble ! *When the mind says "Move on , the heart still says "Hold On" * !! Still , I chose my heart over mind :p

According to me , what a person truly feels by heart can never be wrong .

◾Putting into nutshell , I'd rather conclude that it is all your choice : depends on you what you choose ! Both aspects have their pros and cons . All depends on you friend :p


Answered by aditya72782
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