Write a notice about school
Answer:XYZ Public School, New Delhi
Diwali Mela
09 October 2013
This is to inform all the students that the school is organising Diwali Mela on Saturday, the 26th of October in the school playground. There will be many games, food stalls and activities which will add to the merriment. The special attraction will be the lucky draw at the end of the program. All the students are requested to deposit Rs100 to their respective class teachers by 11th October. For information regarding putting up of stalls and other queries, contact the undersigned.
Head Girl/Boy
2- This is to bring to the notice of all the students of our school that there will be an organization of Diwali Mela in the coming days which is going to be organized in the School play Ground. All the students are hereby requested to get participated in the Diwali Mela and mark their presence with joy and happiness.
The date and Time of the fest will soon be intimidated through the notice. Take note of the date and time, and do come for the Diwali Mela.
Govt. S. S. SCHOOL, Sitapur NOTICE13/07/20
Magazine is all yours
This is to inform the students of all the grades that they can fill their school magazine with their own creativeness. They can write articles and poems, design short jokes or sketches to make the magazine very interesting. Best will be selected by the team of cultural activities and will be printed in the school magazine with you name and class written.Students who are interested are requested to give their creative works to their respective class teachers by 2/08/2019. Students can also take help from the art teachers for creative ideas. Looking forward for a lot of entries.
RIDAY School Magazine is all yoursThis is to inform the students of all the grades that they can fill their school magazine with their own creativeness. They can write articles and poems, design short jokes or sketches to make the magazine very interesting. Best will be selected by the team of cultural activities and will be printed in the school magazine with you name and class written.Students who are interested are requested to give their creative works to their respective class teachers by 2/08/2019. Students can also take help from the art teachers for creative ideas. Looking forward for a lot of entries.pqr
RIDAY School Magazine is all yoursThis is to inform the students of all the grades that they can fill their school magazine with their own creativeness. They can write articles and poems, design short jokes or sketches to make the magazine very interesting. Best will be selected by the team of cultural activities and will be printed in the school magazine with you name and class written.Students who are interested are requested to give their creative works to their respective class teachers by 2/08/2019. Students can also take help from the art teachers for creative ideas. Looking forward for a lot of entries.
pqrSecretary, Cultural activities