(please told fast I need help)
Successful reopening and recovery rely on public trust
in the government. Trust can be built and maintained
by engaging communities in planning for reopen-
ing and by clearly communicating through credible
Policymakers will want access to evidence that sup-
ports their planning and decision making, and to draw
on relevant experience from elsewhere. This brief
summarizes available rigorous evidence regarding the
engagement of communities in planning for school
reopening and identifies two recommended actions
for policymakers based on that body of evidence.
Summary of Evidence
Trust, risk, and community participation
A robust body of evidence suggests that establishing
public trust, managing fear and perceptions of risk,
and leveraging community engagement are key to
effective crisis response. Governments need to decide
how to engage community members in reopening
plans and implementation; what, when, and how often
information should be shared with affected commu-
nities; and with whom and through which channels to
The evidence on building trust with communities
affected by emergencies shows that:
• Leveraging community involvement to build
trust will play a vital role in facilitating the
reopening process and in shaping public per-
ceptions of the state over the long term.
• Effectively responding to health crises requires
localized efforts to work with communities
affected by the crisis. For the education sector,
refer to the attachment
hope this is helpful to you please make me brainliest