Write a notice on gandhi jayanti
ABC PUBLIC SCHOOL, KOLKATA ->’your school name’
21 September, 2017
It is hereby notified that our school is organizing a function on 02-10-2014 as a tribute to our great leader and a freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi also known as Father of Nation. All interested candidates may give their names to the undersigned. The details are given below:
Date: 07-08-2014
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: School Auditorium
Eligibility: Class IX and XII
Last date for giving names:
XYZ ->’your name’
Cultural Secretary ->’your designation’
(School's Name), (District)
Date: 24-09-2018
Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
It is hereby notified that our school is organizing a pompous function on 02-10-2018, in order to pay tribute to one of our great leaders- Late Mahatma Gandhi- on his auspicious birthday. The time when the program commences is 10:30 am. The decided venue is the School Auditorium- 1. Students are requested to be on time. Other than that, the scholars participating in multiple programs like speech, debate, etc, are informed to reach the hall at 09:30 am sharp. For more information regarding the same, you are requested to contact the undersigned.
Head boy
Maatbar Adhikari