English, asked by Yashag8979, 11 months ago

Write a notice on topic of the extension of holidays


Answered by saniya219
Dear international students,

Summer vacation is coming! In order to help students enjoy a pleasant holiday, kindly pay close attention to the following:

  1 The Labor Day:July 10, 2017(Monday) - September 7, 2017(Thursday)

  2 During the holiday, public places such as the malls, restaurants, etc. will be crowded. While traveling, please be safe and try not to travel alone. Public places, tourist attractions and shopping centers where there are lots of people, pay attention to your property and personal safety, and keep your wallet, mobile phone, laptops and other valuables with you. 

  3 Obey the traffic rules and pay close attention to safety. Do not ride/drive motor vehicles after drinking alcohol.

  4 If you leave China, please register in the local police station within 24 hours upon re-entry in China.

  5 Students who stay at school should keep the normal order of the dormitory and daily schedule. Electrical appliances that violate the regulations, excessive drinking and creating troubles as well as accommodating others in the dormitory are forbidden. In order to prevent personal belongings from being stolen, avoid fire and water leakage, make sure that the doors and windows are closed, and the power and water are turned off when leaving the dormitory.

  6 Please keep in mind that “Safety comes first, do obey the rules and laws”. In order to prevent accidents, please be conscious of your surroundings, practice caution and protect your personal belongings, do not trust any messages that you may receive via the internet or on your mobile phone.

  7 Students, whose residence permit will be expired during the holiday(July 10, 2017 - September 7, 2017), should apply for visa extension in International Student Affairs Office before July 10th , 2017.

8 If you plan to leave JINAN, please register at the following location before you leave:

    (1) Central Campus: Reception desk, International Student’s Apartment No. 2 Building

    (2) Baotuquan Campus: Management Office No. 400

Emergency Contact:18763973757

       Enjoy your holiday!

      International Student Office   

      July 07, 2017

Answered by soumyojyoti77





Dear Parents,

Greetings from Lions Calcutta Greater Vidya Mandir!

We hope the online classes and digital teaching has helped your child to be meaningfully engaged .

Assignments on Website and Microsoft Teams(Class-V to XII) have been done for all subjects.

We understand that it is essential that the students need to take a break from Virtual Teaching and take some time off the screen. Therefore, the school has declared Summer Break for the students from classes V till Class XII.

The break is from 25th May , 2020 till 10th June, 2020.The Online classes will resume from 11th June, 2020.

The consolidated topics covered till now in all the classes will be uploaded in the School Website under the Heading ‘’ Topics Covered Pre Summer Vacation’’. Kindly make your child practice the topics.

Let’s acknowledge that our kids have been the most patient beyond their age and intellect, in these testing times. It is not easy for little ones to tame their mind to stay indoors all day all night, for days. It is hard on them to suddenly lose contact with their friends and teachers from school. They crave for open spaces to run around. We have locked them down at our homes with some toys. Their world changed overnight and most of them could hardly ever express their anguish.

We owe them an apology for creating such a harsh world they didn’t deserve. They deserve a loud applause for being there with us today, stronger than us in these unprecedented circumstances.

Give them a tighter hug, enjoy those naughty tricks , laugh at their jokes , let them make the house dirty, read them that extra story, comfort their insecurities & add some sparkle to their life wherever we can. They have been forced to act more mature than their age by the circumstances.

Till then let’s celebrate our heroes at home too… our kids.

We wish you all a Safe Home Stay.




Hope it helps...

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