English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

write a notice to a cultural president of your school inviting students for practicing for annual Kabaddi to be held on next month in your school​

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Answered by Anonymous


Cultural notification:

Hi friends,

This is the official notification from the cultural unit of our school and this notice is to notify you to enroll your name as participants in the respective cultural events as you prefer. A detailed notification and list of the events will be provided by your respective class representatives. Follow the guidelines provided by them.

Yours ,


Answered by Ankitkumarthakur0329


Write a notice to a cultural president of your school inviting students for practicing for annual Kabaddi to be held on next ...

Write a Notice, in Not More than 50 Words, Requesting the Students to Be Present at ... You Are Arjun, the Sports Captain of Your School. ... Is there an error in this question or solution?

Missing: practicing ‎| Must include

Click here to get an answer to your question ✍️ 3. ... Write a notice in 50 words for the school notice board informing the students about the ... Our experts are building a solution for this.

This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 51 pages. ... As Student Editor, draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice ... You wish to announce your annual clearance sale.

English has been a part of your studies since Std I. So far, you have learnt ... The textbook also aims to help students to attain a ... Day' or the 'Republic Day' in the school assembly.

Question: You are Rachit / Rachna, Incharge of cultural club of New Public School, Delhi. Draft a notice for your school notice, board inviting ...

Missing: Kabaddi ‎| Must include: Kabaddi

You are President of the Cultural Society of your school. ... Write a notice for your school notice board inviting students to give their ... A Fancy Dress Competition will be held as under :

Missing: practicing ‎| Must include: practicing

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